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Saints of Lebanon box

Saints of Lebanon box

Regular price ₱11,200.00 PHP
Regular price Sale price ₱11,200.00 PHP
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Lebanon "the Heart of God" (from Syriac "leb" is heart, "non" is God) truly bears the mark of holiness since ancient biblical times. Its Cedar represents the greatness, nobility, strength, incorruptibility, and immortality of God. With this marvelous wood, God asked Solomon to build His temple and altar, the ultimate symbol of His love and presence. Dedicated to the Saints of Lebanon, who loved our Lord with the strength of a cedar, the box we present to you is an invitation to follow in their footsteps, to love and pray to God beyond mere words but from the deepest depths of our hearts. 


In the box you will find:
A relic card in honour of St Charbel, and another one, accompanied with a bracelet in honour of St Rafqa, St Nimatullah Al-Hardini, Blessed Stephen Nehmé, and St Charbel,

Blessed oil and insense from Saint Cyprian and Justina Monastery in Kfifan where St Al-Haridini and Blessed Nehmé lived a small vial with rose petals from the tomb of St Al-Hardini and Bl Stephen Nehmé, and a medal containing a relic of Bl Stephen Nehmé,

Blessed oil, incense, and soil from the tomb of Saint Rafqa in Jrabta.

Blessed oil, incense and holy water from Annaya monastery, soil from the tomb of St Charbel, a third-class relic of the saint, miraculous rope, relic medal of St Charbel and a prayer card with a relic of the saint.

Regarding the salles of Relics

The sale or disposal by other means of "sacred relics" (meaning first and second class) without the permission of the Apostolic See is strictly forbidden by canon 1190 of the Code of Canon Law. We do not sell “sacred relics” under any circumstances. All Our Lady of Gifts products are sold with full respect to canonical laws. The use of the word "relic" in our products strictly refers to the third-class relic. Third class relics are the only form of a relic that the Church permits for sale and the only form of relics that we sell.

Regarding the salles of Blessed items

It is forbidden to buy or sell spiritual things. In some of our products, we have blessed water and oil. Both water and oil are given as a gift in the package. We do not make any profit from it. It is possible for you to ask for blessed water and oil on our site for free by contacting us, you still cover the cost of shipping and handling. In addition, we always have a percentage of our earnings that is donated to charities that are important to us or allocated to the supply of all things provided free of charge by our organization.


Size of vials:
Big : 18x40mm
Small : 12x24mm

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